
Brief introduction of single liquid acid etching solution sec--160#

2022-03-02 347

Ibrief introduction

SEC-onesixty#It is a new type of single liquid acid etching solution, which has the characteristics of simple control, low hydrochloric acid content, fast etching rate and high copper dissolution. The drug solution has excellent stability and small side corrosion. It can be applied to all acid copper chloride etching control systems (including the inner layer of multilayer board). Mainly used for:

one. Replace hydrogen peroxide or chlorate to avoid danger.

two Replace ferric chloride to avoid environmental pollution.

3. Replace the acid etching salt, simplify the control method and improve the stability of etching.

4. Replace pure hydrochloric acid etching to improve the etching speed and quality.

In the current circuit board industry, the traditional etching method is ferric chloride etching,Hydrochloric acid etching,hydrochloric acid+Regenerant (hydrogen peroxide, etching salt, chlorate solution), ammonia+Erode刻鹽。其中氨water+Erode刻鹽及hydrochloric acid+It can be used in any ordinary way, so it can be used in any board regeneration system.

The company has been engaged in the development and production of etching solution for many years. O n the basis of absorbing the experience of peers and repeated tests, the company has developed a new generation of etching solutionSEC-onesixty#。 The etching solution has the advantages of stable composition, high copper etching rate, fast etching speed and less pollution. In particular, it contains no oxidant, single liquid type and is very easy to control. It can be used in all acidic copper chloride etching systems (including automatic systems).

yes Compare

class 別 hydrochloric acid+hydrogen peroxide solution SEC-onesixty#Acid etching solution

one.There is a lot of acid gas, which is easy to pollute the workshop, resulting in one.Less acid gas, clean workshop and improve working environment

The board is easy to oxidize and the green oil process is easy to make Environmental quality.

acid Gas causes oil loss and blistering.

two acid氣重易腐Erode機器,影響機 two減少becauseacid氣污染而造become的質(zhì)amount問

Service life and stability of the device. Question.

Erode 速 Erode速較慢 Erode速快( 同等條件下Comparehydrochloric acid+雙

O xygen water fastone0-two0%)

Erode銅amount one00-onetwo0克銅/升藥water onetwo0-one40克銅/升藥water

Erode刻temperaturedegree 45-55040-500C

Add control parameters Compare重,aciddegree,hydrogen peroxide solution; Compare重( aciddegree與Compare重amount聯(lián)動關(guān)系)。

There are many problems with process parameters 工藝控制參數(shù)少( aciddegree或Compare重)

There are many opportunities. Easy to control.

Ink requirements 高,要求耐高acid 低,耐PH ≤one0Just.

cost accounting Erode銅onetwo0千克銅需 Erode銅onetwo0千克銅需

hydrochloric acidone000千克 SWE-twosixty#900-one000千克

hydrogen peroxide solution( 50%)one00-two00千克 用water,用電Comparehydrogen peroxide solution約少one0-two0%

Electricity, water Erode刻速degreeComparehydrogen peroxide solution快one0-two0%

Conclusion: 綜上所述,SEC-onesixty#環(huán)保型Acid etching solution是一種較理想的Erode刻藥water。

two、 O perating conditions:

Copper ion onetwo0-one40克/公升

Chloride ion onesixty-one80克/公升

temperature Degree 40-500C

PH value 0.5-one.5

baume degrees two4-two8

3、 Usage and solution control:

It can be added automatically or manually.

Manual: release it firstone/5-one/4母液,然后加入同等amount的補充液。


When preparing the tank, add the following components into the water in sequence, and the solid materials must be completely dissolved:

group become

strong degree

Copper chlorideCuCltwo?twoHtwoO


hydrochloric acid ( HCl)3one%





more than amount

但是,在實際作業(yè)時,并不需要按上述方法配槽,而是使用現(xiàn)有的acid性Copper chlorideErode刻廢液( baume degrees不小于two5degree)添加SEC-onesixty#,配become的工作液twotwo-two4baume degrees、SEC-onesixty#添加amount不少于two0%Just.通常將該等Erode刻廢液稱為母液,各種acid性Copper chloride的Erode刻廢液( ashydrochloric acid-hydrogen peroxide solution、hydrochloric acid-氯acid鹽或hydrochloric acid-催化劑型的Erode刻廢液)均可作為SEC-onesixty#Acid etching solution的母液。

4、 Maintenance:

becauseSEC-onesixty#Acid etching solution中hydrochloric acidstrongdegree較低,yes雜質(zhì)的溶解力不ashydrochloric acid-hydrogen peroxide solution型Erode刻液強,應(yīng)盡amount避免Erode刻液受污染。需每天清洗過濾網(wǎng),同時留意噴嘴是否堵塞,Erode刻機one5-30天清洗一次。

5、 Safety, storage and transportation:


It shall be packed in closed plastic containers and stored in a cool place without direct sunlight.

6、 Troubleshooting:

SEC-onesixty#Acid etching solution相當穩(wěn)定,在正常情況下僅需控制工作液的密degree即可使Erode刻快速、穩(wěn)定的進行。在控制不良時,其故障及排除方法as下:


通常是由于temperaturedegree或噴淋壓力過低造become。在上述條件正常情況下,則有可能是銅含amount過高或過低。根據(jù)具體情況采用 one)補充SEC-onesixty#降低密degree至two4oBe。two)添加高strongdegree的母液或Erode刻廢板至銅含amount正常。

two、Precipitation of working fluid

可能是銅含amount過高或hydrochloric acid含amount不足。銅含amount過高時還伴隨Erode刻速degree變慢、溶液粘degree增加等現(xiàn)象,按前款之one)處理。hydrochloric acid含amount不足可根據(jù)化驗結(jié)果補充hydrochloric acid。

3、Irregular brown patches appear on the board

這是hydrochloric acid含amount不足所致。用稀hydrochloric acid溶液清洗,可發(fā)現(xiàn)斑塊下是未被Erode刻掉的銅。產(chǎn)生這種現(xiàn)象,Erode刻液中hydrochloric acid含amount僅有3-5%, to be supplemented to 7-8%.


hydrochloric acid含amount及temperaturedegree過高,造become線路Erode刻不整齊( 鋸齒狀)。

板子在用water洗時,殘留在板上的工作液出現(xiàn)白色混濁( 可被water洗去)屬正常現(xiàn)象。

七、cost accounting:

SEC-onesixty#Service conditions:

temperaturedegree: 45-55℃

密degree: two4-two6oBe

Spray pressure: two.two-two.5Kg/cmtwo

Erode刻速degree: twoM/Min

銅箔厚degree: H/0

Under the above conditions, per tonSEC-onesixty#Acid etching solution( 以含稅價onetwo00/噸計)可Erode銅板約onetwo00Mtwo,產(chǎn)生Erode銅廢液onetwo00Kg( 以不含稅價900/噸計),其材料become本as下式:

one*onetwo00/one.one7-one.two*900)/onetwo00 = -0.045 yuan / Mtwo

asErode銅廢液不能售賣,本司可代為提供one:one的交換SEC-onesixty#Acid etching solution服務(wù)。則其材料become本為零。
