
Sodium carbonate refining 1311

2022-03-03 384

Trade name: soda ash(Dense Soda Ash)

Synonymous name: anhydrous sodium carbonate(Anhydrous sodium carbonate)

Other names: soda(Soda Ash)

Molecular formulaNatwoCOthree

molecular weightone hundred and five.ninety-nine

CAS No4nine7-1nine-eight

shape: white fine granular solid

nature: specific gravitytwo.fivethreetwo,味澀。易溶于水,并能與水生成多種水合物。與酸起中和反應。在高溫It is easy to decompose at the bottom. If exposed to the air for a long time, it will absorb water and carbon dioxide in the air, form sodium bicarbonate and form hard blocks.

purpose: sodium carbonate is one of the important basic chemical raw materials. It is widely used in chemical industry and other industries and people's daily life.

product quality

finger 標 名 稱 公司finger標 國家標準GBtwoten一級品

Sodium carbonate(NatwoCOthree)Content % ≥ ninety-nine.five ninety-eight.eight

Sodium chloride content % ≤ 0.0eight 0.nine

Iron content % ≤ 0.001 0.006

Sulfate content % ≤ 0.0five 無要求

Water insoluble content % ≤ 0.0five 0.ten

Loss on ignition % ≤ 0.two 無要求


Brand:Haohua brand

country of origin: natural alkali Corporation, Indiana.